jonn reviewed Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
The sun wouldn't raise, a gas bubble would have illuminated a rock instead
5 stars
My favorite bit in this book is the amazing rhyme between the beginning and the ending. Monstral relativism!
Terry Pratchett, Stephen Briggs: Hogfather (2021, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
English language
Published Nov. 14, 2021 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless -- and oddly familiar -- universe, but the Hogfather is one of them. Yet here it is, Hogswatchnight, that most joyous and acquisitive of times, and the jolly old, red-suited gift-giver has vanished without a trace. And there's something shady going on involving an uncommonly psychotic member of the Assassins' Guild and certain representatives of Ankh-Morpork's rather extensive criminal element. Suddenly Discworld's entire myth system is unraveling at an alarming rate. Drastic measures must be taken, which is why Death himself is taking up the reins of the fat man's vacated sleigh . . . which, in turn, has Death's level-headed granddaughter, Susan, racing to unravel the nasty, humbuggian mess before the holiday season goes straight to hell and takes everyone along with it.
My favorite bit in this book is the amazing rhyme between the beginning and the ending. Monstral relativism!
How would you go about killing someone who was never really alive – not in the usual sense of the word? Mr Teatime (pronounced teh-ah-tim-eh) knows exactly how he'd do it.
As philosophical textbooks go, this is a stonker. What is the nature of belief? How do beliefs interact with reality? How do they colour our view of reality?
As for zingy and/or pithy moments … this books got them in spades.
“The phrase 'Someone ought to do something' was not, by itself, a helpful one. People who used it never added the rider 'and that someone is me'.”
As a novel, though, this one falls a bit short. The plot meanders a bit too much for my liking.
Very good, but not Sir Pterry's finest.