Sally Strange reviewed Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff
Hilarious and serious as a heart attack (likely due to poison)
5 stars
I read books because they take me to other times and places, and boy this book delivers on that. The perspective of a middle-aged widow living in a Gujarati village on religion, caste, sexism, domestic violence, even cruelty to animals, will be unforgettable. It helped me that I have visited India, including Gujarat, and know some of the Hindi and Gujarati words included in the text. If these words aren't familiar to you, don't let it throw you off. Look them up or at least just stick with it. The story is only slightly improbable, the writing has a unique and sassy style, and the denouement is a satisfying comment on the value of sisterhood, which transcends sectarianism, caste, and class, over that of abusive husbands.