The Patriarchs

In Search of the Origins of Male Domination

No cover

Angela Saini: The Patriarchs (EBook, 2023, 4th Estate)


English language

Published Feb. 2, 2023 by 4th Estate.

4 stars (1 review)

5 editions

Good, but disjointed

4 stars

There's lots of really good information in this book, and Saini makes a very good case for how we've missed a lot of the stories about how society came to be in an attempt to fix a gendered narrative on it. The problem I have with it is, like her earlier Inferior, it reads more as a series of pieces sharing similar topics rather than a single boo with a cohesive argument and narrative. Feels like there's a lot more that could be said about how the different parts of this link together but then it ends with a very brief conclusion.