A Piada Infinita

Paperback, 1200 pages

Portuguese language

Published Dec. 21, 2012 by Quetzal.

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5 stars (3 reviews)

Entre a comédia mais tresloucada e a reflexão filosófica mais pertinente sobre uma sociedade e os seus vícios, sobre as relações familiares e o papel do entretenimento nas nossas vidas, A Piada Infinita é um daqueles raros romances que inauguram um novo género no momento em que são publicados.

Situada num futuro próximo, a ação de A Piada Infinita decorre entre a academia de ténis Enfield e a Ennet House, uma clínica de reabilitação de alcoólicos e toxicodependentes, em que o leitor acompanha a desestruturada família Incandenza. No centro da narrativa está um filme realizado por James Orin Incandenza Jr., intitulado precisamente A Piada Infinita, do qual se diz que deixa os espectadores num estado de apatia permanente, incapazes de se preocupar com outra coisa que não seja ver o filme novamente.

Sátira aos costumes da sociedade de consumo, devaneio pós-moderno contra os excessos do pós-modernismo, lírico e erudito, lúdico …

15 editions

Triangles and Circles

5 stars

WOW. This book had long been on my to-read list, but I pushed it to the top, as someone mentioned that it helped them cure their depression. It surely didn't do that for me, but it had me reflecting on my own life. There isn't a lot here that's resolved, but it's so easy to get attached to the many, many characters--both "small" and large. I felt most attached to Don Gately, and Mario is one of the single most lovable characters in literature. There's so much here that's unresolved, but it feels a lot like life. The book functions as both a circle and a triangle, but I'll let you read it to get a sense of what I mean by this.

I have more to say on this, and I might just write a post about plateaus and what J. O. Incandenza calls "figurants." Those two concepts, in …

Not what I expected

5 stars

This books is amazing in many ways but is hard to compare to other more conventional stories and novels. It has a unique narrative structure and a radically chaotic use of language. I have to say I was skeptical at first and nearly gave up on this at several points, but it drew me in and by the end I was in love with its weird, quirky natures. The story itself is disjointed and a bit uninteresting when distilled from the way it is told and language used to tell it. That said it draws you in and is strong enough to hold up the novel through what is a marathon length telling. A lot of what happens in the book seems to be in service of some other purpose than serving to move the story along. It seems to be making points about society, human nature, morality and humanity …