Harry reviewed The Stand by Stephen King
Ein gewaltiges Epos, das einen in den Bann zieht, hervorragend gesprochen von David Nathan
5 stars
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paperback, 1344 pages
Published Oct. 24, 2006 by Hodder Paperback.
One man escapes from a biological weapon facility after an accident, carrying with him the deadly virus known as Captain Tripps, a rapidly mutating flu that - in the ensuing weeks - wipes out most of the world's population. In the aftermath, survivors choose between following an elderly black woman to Boulder or the dark man, Randall Flagg, who has set up his command post in Las Vegas. The two factions prepare for a confrontation between the forces of good and evil. ([source][1])
Ausführliche Rezension unter downatharrys.de/stephen-king-the-stand-hoerbuch
Been interesting reading this a few years after the COVID-19 pandemic first began in 2020.
All in all I felt this book was twice as long as it really needed to be. I stayed up all night plowing through the final 1/3 of the book because I wanted to get to the resolution and I found myself skipping entire chapters of meaningless exposition. As a fan of Stephen King I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. Maybe I’m just anxious to get through this Man In Black character development so I can continue on my Dark Tower Extended Reading journey. I miss the gunslingers.
This was another re-read of mine. My third time reading it, actually. My first time was the original edition from the late 70s, and then the uncut version when it was first released. This was the uncut one again.
The Stand is a book in 3 parts, and to this day I feel Book 1 is by far the strongest. The descriptions of how life falls apart under the reign of Captain Trips is captivating and truly horrifying. It could happen, you know. It surely could.
The middle stretch is a bit on the dull side, and the end is a bit too open-ended for me.
Nevertheless, this is my favorite Stephen King, with compelling characters and a story with a vast scope. A King classic, would read again and likely will.