学习汉语 - Learning Chinese Public

Created and curated by proycon

Books to help learn mandarin chinese.

Both stories for language learners (such as graded readers), and textbooks.

  1. 沉鱼落雁: Beauty and Grace by , , (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series Level 4)

    3 stars

    Chenyu came to Shanghai in pursuit of her dream. She bears the burden of single motherhood at such a young …

    proycon says:

    Graded reader - HSK4

  2. 好狗维克: Vick The Good Dog by , (Chinese Breeze Grader Reader Level 4)

    4 stars

    The vocabulary in this book corresponds to HSK4 (as defined at the time of publication)

    proycon says:

    Graded Reader - HSK4

  3. 竞争对手: The Competitor by , , , and 2 others (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series Level 4)

    3 stars

    proycon says:

    Graded Reader - HSK4

  4. 画皮: The painted skin by , , (Chinese Breeze Grader Reader Level 3)

    No rating

    The vocabulary in this book corresponds to HSK3 (as defined at the time of publication)

    proycon says:

    Graded Reader - HSK3

  5. proycon says:

    Grader Reader - HSK3

  6. proycon says:

    Textbook - HSK1

  7. proycon says:

    Textbook - HSK4 (part A)

  8. proycon says:

    Textbook - HSK 5 (Part A)

  9. proycon says:

    Textbook - HSK 5 (Part B)

  10. proycon says:

    Textbook - HSK4 (part B)

  11. ABC English-Chinese Chinese-English dictionary by  (ABC Chinese dictionary series)

    No rating

  12. Beginning Chinese Reader, Part 2 by  (Yale Language Series)

    No rating

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