In Relation To The Land Public

Created and curated by loppear

Wonder at our place in the natural world, with a smattering of activism and a scattering of fiction.

  1. Silent spring. by  (A Fawcett Crest book)

    4 stars

    This account of the effects of pesticides on the environment launched the environmental movement in America.

  2. A Sand County almanac by 

    5 stars

    First published in 1949 and praised in The New York Times Book Review as a trenchant book, full of vigor …

  3. The Eighth Day of Creation by 

    No rating

    In this classic book, the distinguished science writer Horace Freeland Judson tells the story of the birth and early development …

  4. Braiding Sweetgrass by 

    5 stars

    As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As …

  5. Entangled Life by 

    3 stars

    The more we learn about fungi, the less makes sense without them. They can change our minds, heal our bodies …

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