Reviews and Comments

Michael Haider

Joined 1 year, 11 months ago

Just another IT guy in the financial services industry, living in Connecticut, USA. I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy mostly, but will give just about anything a try.

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Adrian Tchaikovsky, Adrian Tchaikovsky: Children of Ruin (Paperback, 2020, Pan Macmillan) 4 stars

The astonishing sequel to Children of Time, the award-winning novel of humanity’s battle for survival …

I'm just under halfway through this one and am loving it so far. I'm not surprised at the big events that have taken place so far, but the details that have lead to this point in the story have been incredible. Reading this one has given me an appreciation for the first novel, Children of Time, as Tchaikovsky did such a great job of world building and character development, which is paying off in spades.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out, and how it connects to the finale, Children of Memory.

Elizabeth Blackstock, Alanis King: Racing with Rich Energy (2022, McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers) 3 stars

A Race to the Bottom

3 stars

Unfortunately, the book didn't get any better since I made my last update about it on the 12th. I came into this one with high hopes, as I enjoy the motorsports coverage and social media presence of both authors and thought they would come together to make a great book about what I feel is one of the most interesting teams in F1, Haas. Unfortunately, the book is plagued by the fact that aside from William Storey, none of the other major players in the Rich Energy x Haas F1 fiasco cooperated with the authors, leaving large gaps that simply couldn't be answered by the handful of anonymous sources that did provide quotes for the book. Aside from the quotes from those sources, the authors relied on quotes from past interviews, team statements, blurbs from lawsuits, etc. to fill out the story, which made for a dull read overall.

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