Marc rated The coincidence authority: 4 stars

The coincidence authority by J. W. Ironmonger
Have you ever experienced a coincidence that seems too strange to be true? And is there such a thing as …
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Have you ever experienced a coincidence that seems too strange to be true? And is there such a thing as …
Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission--and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will …
Continuing the story of five interrelated families as they become entangled in events from the beginning of the twentieth century, …
Most days, Sarya doesn't feel like the most terrifying creature in the galaxy. Most days, she's got other things on …
An unexpected quest. Two worlds at stake. Are you ready?
Days after Oasis founder James Halliday's contest, Wade Watts makes …
Follows the fates of five interrelated families--American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh--as they move through the dramas of the First …
2025 - Helium-3 is a rare element that promises to solve all the world's energy problems - and it's been …
World Without End is a best-selling 2007 novel by Welsh author Ken Follett. It is the second book in the …
In a time of civil war, famine and religious strife, there rises a magnificent Cathedral in Kingsbridge. Against this backdrop, …