User Profile

wrul (they, iel, etc)

Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Nairm & Birrarungga, Kulin biik
Wyrming mainly in Englishes and Frenches — on books mostly written in those, in Germans, and in Japaneses. Unreliable translator.

Most of this account is designated “followers‐only”, for the cosiness.

  • If you’d like a better sense of subjects and style before deciding whether to dip in, consider a bounce around the informal lit‐talk of BREYDON’s been reading. As well as there, book‐readin of (the long) 2022 appears on my pre‐huddle profile,
  • If I’ve posted something that you would like to boost, reference elsewhere, or otherwise link to, just let me know, and I can set it to public for you.

My user avatar is a rainbow lorikeet feeding on orange gum blossoms — photographed above a suburban nature strip, on Boon Wurrung Country.

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wrul (they, iel, etc)'s books

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2024 Reading Goal

50% complete! wrul (they, iel, etc) has read 11 of 22 books.


Going chunk by chunk, rather than a whole year at a time, and holding the figure up sometimes as a limit, sometimes as a goal actually worked really well for me. (It’s just no system could’ve held up to the chaos of last year!) So, I will string that approach [1] across into 2024, I reckon.

In terms of the current, I intend to examine every daily quotation of the Hobonichi Techo, over the course of the year. But I don’t want that looming unattainably in my shorter term goal–limit. Likewise, I hope to complete a lesson a week of Communicate in Greek for Beginners (assuming I enjoy it sufficiently), which would see that landing stuck only midyear or so.

Those short bursts of the written word are suiting me. My January mood by today has grown incredibly restless (not helped by a preemptive decision to not …

A Half-Built Garden (Paperback, en-Latn-US language, 2022, Tordotcom) 4 stars

The alien tucked their tail under themselves and rolled back so that they lay rocking on the curve of their own body [..].

A Half-Built Garden by  (Page 8)

What a rare treasure it has been to see a singular themselvesing make print. So, here is a trove for trumpeting about them in: It’s the singular they themselves!

Feel free to flaunt sightings of reflexive pronouns that sing for you in this open list any time.

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Datamania (French language, 2023, Dunod) 4 stars

Partez à la rencontre d’un monde informatique plus sécurisé, un espace dans lequel vous avez …


4 stars

A travers le voyage métaphorique de son personnage principal, un médiateur numérique prenant conscience des impacts de ses actions en ligne sur l'intégrité de ses données privées, Datamania nous sensibilise à l'utilisation qu'en font les grandes entreprises régissant la vie en ligne. Au-delà d'une simple dénonciation, cette bande dessinée prend plutôt le parti de la sensibilisation et nous donne certaines clés pour nous protéger.

Avec un graphisme clair et coloré, une intrigue ludique et un vocabulaire adapté, il m'a semblé, à la lecture, que Datamania était parfait pour aborder le sujet avec les ados qui se sont incrustés sous mon toit. Ce fut donc une lecture partagée avec mes deux garçons de 13 et 15 ans, tous deux férus de jeux vidéos, consommateurs de contenus en ligne (surtout vidéos) et globalement assez peu sensibles mais tout de même curieux de la question. Après leur retour de lecture, je dois dire …

Aha, obviously I wasn't paying the closest attention to #BookWyrm development discussions mid last year, because much of the underlying cause of these problems is already to be resolved in a big refactor of the underlying reading -status and -activity logic[1].

There's something to be flagged here about editions versus works, but I'm much too tired to keep track of my own thoughts on it. Broadly speaking, though: hopefully these two critically distinct technical roles will not get muddled up in all the talk of books because in some cases "book" really ought to be either "edition" or "work" and to assume the wrong meaning would cause hassle down the line! [2]

In the meantime, I am going to wean myself off the buzz of keeping absolutely complete records through status-shelving[3]; learn to love the annual Reading Goal page as a clue to the state of each edition's …

Das geheime Band zwischen Mensch und Natur (Hardcover, de language, 2019, Ludwig Verlag) 1 star

Haben Menschen, ähnlich wie manche Tiere, eine Art siebten Sinn für Gefahr? Ist es möglich, …

Content warning BookWyrm the software

Un cahier de Français tendre, pour te tenir par la main dans ce patriarcat cis-hétéro-suprémaciste-blanc-capitaliste, …

Pssst! There’s no shame in looking at the answers (p. 37) ! If you’re blaming yourself, remember that you are not the problem, it’s French <3

Grammaire rebelle by  (Page 35)

I’m giving the P.D.F. a skim, and have laughed heartily, as well as been deeply moved.

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quoted Data Farms

Data Farms (EBook, 2022, Open Humanities Press) 3 stars

What is at stake in naming data centres as data farms? These installations are essentially …

The territory of data centres includes not just the geography of cables, servers and clients that spans their operations; it might also be understood in a more diagrammatic sense as consisting of institutional and commercial elements or entities and their capacities brought into relation. Such a notion of territory suggests a more flexible comprehension of time and space that can be termed territoriality.

Data Farms

From the essay LAND AND WATER by Brett Neilson & Ned Rossiter (pp5-11)