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Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, John Tynes: Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu Horror Roleplaying, Modern) (Paperback, 1997, Armitage House)
by Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, John Tynes
Dennis Detwiller, John Tynes, Adam S. Glancy: Delta Green - Countdown (1999, Pagan Publishing)
by Dennis Detwiller, John Tynes, Adam S. Glancy
Monte Cook, John Tynes: Call of Cthulhu (d20 Edition Horror Roleplaying, WotC) (Hardcover, 2002, Wizards of the Coast)
by Monte Cook, John Tynes
Greg Stolze, John Tynes: Unknown Armies (Paperback, Atlas Games,U.S.)
by Greg Stolze, John Tynes
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