Marya reviewed A Nation of Wimps by Hara Estroff Marano
Review of 'A Nation of Wimps' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I have yet to read any of the other hot books about overparenting, but this one had plenty of good information and ideas (about the cultural causes of over-parented, over-schooled kids) some interesting science (for example about the effects of 24/7 communication on the ability to plan) and a little less hype than I expected. I agreed with a lot of it and without being able to strictly evaluate the science, thought the arguments were reasonably well-supported. However, it is a pretty far-reaching effort and inevitable some of it stretches too far. For example, the author wants to make an argument about the prevalence of mental illness on campus in relation to the central argument about overinvolved parenting, and then herself agrees that college now accepts a vastly wider spectrum of kids now including academically unready and mentally ill students.
Worth reading but I need more to compare it to.