Panpattu Asaivukal

Paperback, 200 pages

Tamil language

Published Feb. 2, 2017

5 stars (1 review)

1 edition

reviewed Panpattu Asaivukal by T. Paramasivan

Accessible cultural history

5 stars

Did you know that before chilli came to Tamil Nadu from Chile in the 15th century, Tamils used black pepper? கருமிளகு was called curry (கறி) and later came to mean meat because it was more often used to make meat spicy. Tho. Paramasivan's பண்பாட்டு அசைவுகள் is filled with such fascinating nuggets of history and more.

This is a book of short, riveting essays digging into the origins of various aspects of Tamil culture and everything that has to do with it. It's two short books published as one, அறியப்படாத தமிழகம் & தெய்வங்களும் சமூக மரபுகளும். It's a steal.

'Tho.Pa.', as he is called, has us spellbound with his erudition and insight. The first book, with shorter pieces, is filled with mind-blowing factoids, etymologies, anecdotes, interesting quotes, etc. He touches everything from salt and water, caste and weddings, language and rituals, farming and folklore, laws and beliefs, festivals and kings, and many …