Stephanie Jane reviewed Swallow by A M Holly
Well-plotted future dystopia
4 stars
I spotted Swallow by A M Holly during the Smashwords sale back in March and finally got around to reading it this week, some five months later. Why on earth did I leave it unopened for so long?! The story is a well-plotted future dystopia which keeps up a tense atmosphere throughout. I loved being kept off-balance by never quite knowing who to trust. Even Martene finds that she is not the most reliable authority on her own life. Holly has created a memorable protagonist in Martene and I think Swallow will appeal to readers who enjoy near-future dystopias such as Terry Tyler's Wasteland series or novels such The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein for its female pilot narrative.
I appreciated the unrushed pace of this book which allows readers to really get to know each of the characters and understand the new America, reformed in the aftermath of a …
I spotted Swallow by A M Holly during the Smashwords sale back in March and finally got around to reading it this week, some five months later. Why on earth did I leave it unopened for so long?! The story is a well-plotted future dystopia which keeps up a tense atmosphere throughout. I loved being kept off-balance by never quite knowing who to trust. Even Martene finds that she is not the most reliable authority on her own life. Holly has created a memorable protagonist in Martene and I think Swallow will appeal to readers who enjoy near-future dystopias such as Terry Tyler's Wasteland series or novels such The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein for its female pilot narrative.
I appreciated the unrushed pace of this book which allows readers to really get to know each of the characters and understand the new America, reformed in the aftermath of a devastating war. The relationship between sisters Irina and Danijela was a favourite of mine as their verbal sparring rang very true. I wasn't initially convinced by Martene's romantic storyline, but the relationship she embarks upon did grow on me as the book progressed. What particularly impressed me about Swallow however, was Holly's worldbuilding. I could so clearly envisage the towns Martene visits, the ravaged landscapes and the people living, or just surviving at least, in isolated communities. Holly has a great feel for the southern USA setting of Swallow so the book always felt convincingly grounded in this part of the world, even while its science fiction narrative takes place in the future.
I think Swallow is intended to be the first of a series, but to me it felt like a satisfying self-contained story. I would certainly be keen to snap up any sequel, but I was pleased to not be left with unfinished story threads.