Stephanie Jane reviewed Road Rash by Marion Raby (The Life Series, #1)
Not as gripping as I had hoped
3 stars
I absolutely loved the second book in this series, Life Is Fair (which was published prior to Road Rash so I did actually read the books in that order!!), so I had high hopesfor Road Rash, but sadly I ultimately felt a bit let down by it. I think not experiencing the same depth of connection to Vincent as I had done previously to Nora was a big part of this. There are similarities with people coming to terms with themselves and their pasts, but rather than sympathising with Vincent, I found his repeated excuses and circular thinking became quite tiresome. I did stick with the book and, overall, it was a pretty good read, but had I started reading Marion Raby's Life Series with Road Rash I probably would not have gone on to read Life Is Fair which would have been a real shame.