Pendant des générations, le système solaire - Mars, la Lune, la ceinture d'astéroïdes - fut la grande frontière de l'humanité. Jusqu'à maintenant. Un objet non identifié opérant sous les nuages de Vénus est apparu dans l'orbite d'Uranus, où il a construit une porte massive qui mène à un hyperespace désolé. Jim Holden et l'équipage du "Rossinante" font partie d'une vaste flotte de navires scientifiques et militaires chargés d'examiner le phénomène. Mais une intrigue complexe se trame dans leur dos, visant à l'élimination pure et simple d'Holden. Les émissaires de la race humaine en sont à devoir décider si la porte est une opportunité ou une menace, sans imaginer que le plus grand danger est peutêtre celui qu'ils ont apporté avec eux. "La Porte d'Abaddon" est le troisième volet de la désormais célèbre série "The Expanse" , plus explosive que jamais.
Abaddon's Gate wonderfully continues the Opera that is the Expanse. It gives us new characters, finishes other character loops, and brings more depth to our old favorites.
4.5 stars. This was the first Expanse book that really grabbed me, feeling like the real story is going to happen now. The two previous books feel like setup now,setting all the wheels in motion for the action in Abbadon's Gate.
The various factions of the solar system set out to explore the mysterious Ring, the gate that the protomolecule has built. James Holden and his crew are there of course, and are forced to cross through the gate, with all other ships of the Ring flotilla following, learning more about the aliens who built this...
In long parts this book reminded me of one of those disaster movies from the 70s that I loved so much as a kid. Disaster surely strikes, and the aftermath is tense and exciting. Add to that a full cast of exciting new characters with interesting PoVs, and Holden finally not annoying me much …
4.5 stars. This was the first Expanse book that really grabbed me, feeling like the real story is going to happen now. The two previous books feel like setup now,setting all the wheels in motion for the action in Abbadon's Gate.
The various factions of the solar system set out to explore the mysterious Ring, the gate that the protomolecule has built. James Holden and his crew are there of course, and are forced to cross through the gate, with all other ships of the Ring flotilla following, learning more about the aliens who built this...
In long parts this book reminded me of one of those disaster movies from the 70s that I loved so much as a kid. Disaster surely strikes, and the aftermath is tense and exciting. Add to that a full cast of exciting new characters with interesting PoVs, and Holden finally not annoying me much anymore. The second half of the book is a nail biter that doesn't shy away from character deaths.
My big complaint is that the pace continues to be glacial and long-winded, like in the previous books. It always takes a touch too long for things to actually happen.
I'll be curious to see where this goes, now that the universe is open for exploration.