reviewed The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz
Only sort of successful for me
3 stars
Content warning vague plot details
Well, I didn't see the Big Reveal coming but then I hardly ever do with those kinds of things. I found this pretty absorbing but there were three sizable flaws for me: 1. That much-vaunted Plot was not so compelling as to deserve the awestruck treatment it gets by the book's characters 2. I'm not convinced that the threat of being revealed as a plagiarist was (a) legitimate, because an IDEA for a plot and a few pages of intro material do not a book make, or (b) ever much of a threat, given that there was no way for the person making it to prove it without outing themselves as a murderer 3. I thought the section where the main character was traipsing all around the country looking for Clues was too drawn-out and not interesting enough to warrant all that page time