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Star Trek: TNG: Double Helix -- Book Three: Red Sector by Diane Carey ⭐⭐⭐

There are too many words in this book, at least for my taste. We have to go through 10 chapters, and more than 100 pages until we finally arrive in the right time and at the right place for the main story. That does not mean that all of the first part is useless. It isn't. Not everything. We meet people important to the story, and some scenes are very good. But the main character is so annoying that it was not a fun read for me. Luckily, he grows over the years and I do like him for the rest of the book. I also enjoyed Spock and McCoy, I think Carey captured them very very well. I loved the scenes on the Saskatoon, a Combat Support Tender, and I would be interested in more …

Star Trek: TNG: Double Helix -- Book Two: Vectors by Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I like Katherine Pulaski a lot, so I loved seeing her as the main character here. I want more! It was nice to also meet one of her ex-husbands. I kinda want a "All the Ex-Husbands of Katherine Pulaski" mini series now. (Only slightly kidding.) We also get to meet quite a number of characters from DS9 in a time it was still very much Terok Nor, which I always like as well.

There's one thing that I wished they did more with. It was set up as a potential conflict, but it never really got any kind of "dangerous" ever. I thought that was a lost opportunity to explore one of the characters better. Overall however, this novel a big improvement from the first book in the series.

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Star Trek: TNG: Double Helix -- Book One: Infection by John Gregory Betancourt ⭐⭐

Beverly and Deanna must have been replaced by imposters, and very bad ones at that. I did not recognise any of them. The bit with Worf and his away team... huh? What? Why? The little exchange between Riker and Troi at the end was nice, though. If I remember correctly she does call him Bill in the first episodes, doesn't she? I really like the books for explaining little things like that.

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