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Marcello Liscia: Einmal noch (Paperback, German language, Querverlag) 3 stars

Dem Deutschitaliener Umberto gelingt es nicht, den tragischen Tod seines Mannes zu überwinden, und er …

It's not you, dear book, it's me. We just aren’t meant for each other.

3 stars

[English below] Das ist so: Ich lese wirklich nicht nur Belletristik und will nicht immer nur hochtrabend über Literatur sprechen. Und vor allen Dingen unterstütze ich gerne kleine Indie-Verlage, wir können uns glücklich schätzen, in Deutschland noch einige zu haben. Dementsprechend auch grundsätzlich all meinen blauglitzernden Support für den Querverlag! Aber. Nicht das, nicht „Einmal noch“, für mich zumindest nicht (das mag ich betonen, it‘s me. Gebt ihr dem Buch bitte selbst eine Chance, es hat allgemein sehr gute Bewertungen! Meine schwankt zwischen 2,5 und 3.) - Hier wurde mit dem Anspruch geschrieben, keine platte Schmonzette, keine platte Schicksalslitanei zu schreiben. Deep soll es sein: Der Background und das zu tragende Päckchen der Figuren. Ihre Dialoge. Ihre Verantwortung füreinander. Bleibt aber eher gewollt und konstruiert, ziemlich steif und sehr frontal auserzählt und manche Fäden gehen dann doch auch verloren. - Dabei kommt all das ungefiltert; manches hätte auch eine CN …

Nate Silver: On the Edge (2024, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

Great treatment on risk taking

5 stars

Nate Silver shifts from prediction to betting and risk taking. I really liked this book, the anecdotal stories serve well to illustrate his broader points. The book is well structured and connects the dots between gambling as a hobby or a game and risk taking as an important part of every day life and society at large.

#bookstodon #nonfictionnovember

Parmy Olson: Supremacy (2024, St. Martin's Press) 5 stars

An even treatment of a much-hyped topic

5 stars

This is a great telling of the race to create a general purpose artificial intelligence that sparked the ChatGPT LLM frenzy that is fueling a craze for AI. It is interesting how two companies both approached the challenge with a focus on AGI and safety and how they both ended up getting co-opted by the very tech giants they were seeking to shield the technology from. Well-told and well-researched, I really enjoyed reading this. The book does a good job at not taking sides as either a techno-optomist or and AI-doomer and presents both sides evenly. Well done!

#Bookwyrm #bookstodon

Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass (2015) 5 stars

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants is a 2013 nonfiction …

A Powerful Journey

5 stars

I love nature and I love books.If you do too, you might love this book. Told with a almost mystical reverence for the natural world, but with the voice of a scientifically trained botanist it weaves a story that while tragic at times is hopeful and uplifting. I feel like I struggled along with the author as she told her story and came out a better person in the end because of it. The audiobook is narrated by the author and that adds an extra dimension to the book and makes it more enjoyable, something rare for author narrated audiobooks.

#Bookwyrm #bookstodon

finished reading Dark Wire by Joseph Cox

Joseph Cox: Dark Wire (2024, PublicAffairs) 5 stars

The inside story of the largest law-enforcement sting operation ever, in which the FBI made …

Loved this book. It is a gripping cyber-thriller about how the FBI infiltrated criminal organizations using encrypted communications. I tore through this and thoroughly enjoyed it. The material is factual and follows real events while still being structured effectively in a compelling narrative.

#Bookwyrm #bookstodon

Erik Larson: Demon of Unrest (2024, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 4 stars

A gripping story of narrative history

4 stars

In the prologue Larson explains that he was inspired to tell this story by the events of Jan 6th as a way to compare the current election certification crisis with the last time it happened in order to show the mood of the country and the factors that lead to its happening. After completing the story I feel like he largely succeeded. Through his usual brand of narrative history telling he focuses in on a few points that illustrate how the different sections of the nation were thinking and the divide between them. While I feel like the telling of the southern viewpoint is well told, I think it is pretty far from today’s political climate. I find it more akin to the current denialism of climate change and vaccinations. In both cases you have an opposition that has convinced itself of viewpoint that is vulnerable to rational arguments using …

David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest (Paperback, 2006, Back Bay Books (Little Brown and Company)) 5 stars

Set in an addicts' hallway house and a tennis academy, and featuring one of the …

Not what I expected

5 stars

This books is amazing in many ways but is hard to compare to other more conventional stories and novels. It has a unique narrative structure and a radically chaotic use of language. I have to say I was skeptical at first and nearly gave up on this at several points, but it drew me in and by the end I was in love with its weird, quirky natures. The story itself is disjointed and a bit uninteresting when distilled from the way it is told and language used to tell it. That said it draws you in and is strong enough to hold up the novel through what is a marathon length telling. A lot of what happens in the book seems to be in service of some other purpose than serving to move the story along. It seems to be making points about society, human nature, morality and humanity …

reviewed Star Trek: Picard: Firewall by David Mack (Star Trek: Picard, #6)

Two years after the USS Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant, Seven of Nine finds …

The start of how Seven became the woman we know today (as in ST: Picard)

5 stars

Content warning Possible spoilers for David Mack's "Star Trek: Picard: Firewall". I don't say anything too specific, and nothing that I would call plot relevant, but some people might still count that as spoilers. Hence this CW.

reviewed A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

Andrew Robinson: A Stitch in Time (AudiobookFormat, 2023, Simon & Schuster Audio) 5 stars

A Stitch in Time (ISBN 0-671-03885-0), published June 5, 2000, is a Star Trek: Deep …

A must read for all Garak fans

5 stars

Content warning Andrew J. Robinson "A Stitch in Time" -- possible spoilers!

reviewed Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr

Anthony Doerr: Cloud Cuckoo Land (Hardcover, 2021, Scribner) 4 stars

Elaborate but tenuous.

3 stars

(3 stars = I liked it)

Three time periods are braided together by an ancient Greek tale: 15th century Constantinople, the modern day, and a space-faring future. Elaborate but tenuous. On their own each story has potential, but together they don't quite make a whole. Like Cloud Atlas but less enthralling.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #HistoricalFiction #SciFi

reviewed Account Rendered by Melita Maschmann

Melita Maschmann: Account Rendered (Paperback, 2016, Plunkett Lake Press) 4 stars

A cog in the Nazi machine

4 stars

Autobiography of a woman who was a committed & diligent National Socialist (#Nazi), of her experience in youth work & propaganda, and her journey coming to terms with the truth of what she participated in. Description of the clinical dispossession of the Poles is disturbing (and new to me), as is the readiness with which everyday mediocre people were led into misguided beliefs, alternative facts & constrained thinking, to do prosaic work with horrifyingly evil outcomes.

Reading time 11 days, 26 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #Autobiography #Biography #Nazism #WorldWar2 #WW2