
See tagged statuses in the local Wyrms.de community

Hermann von Pfister-Schwaighnsen: Sagen und Aberglaube aus Hessen und Nassau, bearb. und herausg. durch H. von Pfister (German language, 1885) No rating

Albert Niederhöffer: Mecklenburg’s Volkssagen. Dritter Band (1860, Heinrich Hübner) No rating

Theodor Voges: Sagen aus dem Lande Braunschweig (1895, Benno Goeritz) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Banished Villain" ("Der gebannte Bösewicht") "The Old Linden Tree near Gebhardshagen" ("Die alte Linde bei Gebhardshagen"): www.patreon.com/posts/out-of-sight-out-45786804

"The Devil and the Smith" ("Der Teufel und der Schmied"): www.patreon.com/posts/smiths-and-devil-73807737

"The Devil Banisher" ("Der Teufelsbanner"): www.patreon.com/posts/devil-summoning-72763428

"The Devil and the Charcoal Burner" ("Teufel und Köhlermeister"): www.patreon.com/posts/something-this-76986912

"Glowtail in Velstove" ("Der Gluhschwanz in Velstove") "Of Glowtail" ("Der Gluhschwanz") "Of Longtail" ("Vom Langschwanz"): www.patreon.com/posts/domestic-dragons-68243047

"The Ghost and the Groom" ("Der Geist und der Pferdeknecht"): www.patreon.com/posts/more-unfinished-47585487

"The Farmer Who Had Moved The Boundary Stones" ("Der Bauer, der die Grenzsteine versetzt hat") "The Unrighteous Plowman" ("Der falsche Pflüger"): www.patreon.com/posts/bearers-of-50146725

"The Heckethaler (Helmstedt)" ("Der Heckethaler"): www.patreon.com/posts/in-for-penny-92175651

"An Exorcism in Kirchbrak" ("Eine Verbannung zu Kirchbrak"): www.patreon.com/posts/dreadful-52009109

"Executioner Uter" ("Scharfrichter Uter" …

Johann Hubert Schmitz: Sitten und sagen, Lieder, Sprüchwörter und Räthsel des Eifler Volkes. Zweiter Band - Sagen (1858, Fr. Lintz'sche Buchhandlung) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Haunt on the Harth" ("Der Spukgeist auf der Harth"): www.patreon.com/posts/send-in-monks-45254337

"Hares" ("Hasen"): www.patreon.com/posts/hares-threat-or-85256474

"The Mages of the Steineberg Ley" ("Die Zauberer der Steinenberger Lay"): www.patreon.com/posts/warding-against-62144150

"The Branch Cutter" ("Der Hächselschneider"): www.patreon.com/posts/illusions-in-96468802

"Ember Sunday Children" ("Frohnsonntagskinder"): www.patreon.com/posts/sunday-children-86272312

"The Man Who Moved The Boundary Stones" ("Der Grenzsteinverrücker"): www.patreon.com/posts/bearers-of-50146725

"Tales of Cats" ("Katzen"): www.patreon.com/posts/killer-cats-65362903

"Faithful Lights or Errant Lights" ("Treulichter oder Irrlichter"): www.patreon.com/posts/lighting-way-to-47458631

Wilhelm Leinung, Rudolf Stumvoll: Aus Magdeburgs Sage und Geschichte (1894, Julius Neumann) No rating

Kurt Gress: Holzlandsagen: Sagen, Mährchen und Geschichten aus den Vorbergen des Thüringer Waldes (German language, 1870, E. Martig) No rating

Heinrich Christoph Ferdinand Pröhle: Harzsagen - zum Teil in der Mundart der Gebirgsbewohner (1886, Hermann Mendelssohn) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Stolen Goose" ("Die gestohlene Gans"): www.patreon.com/posts/abodes-of-ghosts-43497027

"The Devil’s Shaft near Straßberg" ("Der Teufelsschacht bei Straßberg") "The Wish Swamp" ("Wunschsumpf"): bookrastinating.com/book/545700/s/harzsagen-zum-teil-in-der-mundart-der-gebirgsbewohner

"Hans von Hackelberg": www.patreon.com/posts/multiple-choice-44287041

"The Mountain Monk in Sankt Andreasberg" ("Der Bergmönch in St. Andreasberg") "The Rauschenbach Valley" ("Der Rauschenbach"): www.patreon.com/posts/tales-of-sankt-1-87982404

"The Green Iron Pig with the Tall Shrub" ("Das grüne eiserne Schwein mit dem hohen Busch") "The Boy and the Venetians" ("Der Knabe und die Venediger") "Frau Holle, the Black Kathrine, and the Forest Woman in Sankt Andreasberg" ("Frau Holle, die schwarze Kathrine, und die Waldfrau in St. Andreasberg"): www.patreon.com/posts/tales-of-sankt-2-88317732

"The Woman in Childbed" ("Die Wöchnerin"): www.patreon.com/posts/things-to-do-you-46361506

"Kleines Clausthal" ("Das kleine Klausthal"): www.patreon.com/posts/haunted-places-50178933

"Foreman Calvör" ("Steiger Calvör"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghosts-within-50179425

"The White Cap" ("Die weiße Kappe" …

commented on Walliser Sagen. by Johannes Jegerlehner (Die Schweiz im deutschen Geistesleben, hrsg. von Harry Mayne, Vol. 10)

Johannes Jegerlehner: Walliser Sagen. (German language, 1922, Haessel) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Journey to Paradise" ("Der Gang ins Paradies"): www.patreon.com/posts/walking-to-41854056

"The Dragon of Jeizinen" ("Der Drache von Jeizenen"): www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-flat-67667322

"The Goatherd Boy in the Illgraben" ("Der Geißbub im Illgraben"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghosts-within-50179425

"The Dance of the Dead" ("Der Totentanz"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghosts-next-door-52009022

"The Dwarf Türliwirli" ("Das Zwerglein Türliwirli"): www.patreon.com/posts/loving-fey-48629117

"The Ridge Trains" ("Der Gratzug"): www.patreon.com/posts/paths-of-dead-43399132

Edmund Veckenstedt: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde. I. Band (1888, Alfred Dörffel) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore magazine:

"The Uncanny Cat" ("Die gespenstige Katze"): www.patreon.com/posts/weird-cats-64651278

"The Charakter" ("Der Charakter"): www.patreon.com/posts/tomes-of-magic-47102573

"The Burial Gown" ("Das Totenhemd"): www.patreon.com/posts/searching-ghosts-41303631

"Summoning the Dead" ("Die Totenbeschwörung"): www.patreon.com/posts/necromancy-most-72737237

"The St. John’s Day Sacrifice" ("Das Johannisopfer"): www.patreon.com/posts/voices-from-deep-38456442

Christian Hauser: Sagen aus dem Paznaun und dessen Nachbarschaft (1894, Wagner'sche Universitäts-Buchhandlung) No rating

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"The Cowherdess’ Buttermilk" ("Die Sennerin mit der Buttermilch") "The Herdess Makes Fried Pudding" ("Die Sennerin kocht ein Rahmmus"): www.patreon.com/posts/ghosts-of-alps-41303447

"The Devil Summoning" ("Die Teufelsbeschwörung"): www.patreon.com/posts/devil-summoning-72781252

"The Curious Man" ("Der Neugierige"): www.patreon.com/posts/enter-night-folk-59553182

"The Zither Player" ("Der Zitherspieler"): www.patreon.com/posts/night-music-59674941

"The Headless One" ("Der Kopflose"): www.patreon.com/posts/night-folk-and-59905392

"The Maid Fetches the Alpine Sieve" ("Die Dirne holt die Alpenseihe"): www.patreon.com/posts/dreadful-52009109

"The Silver Spoon" ("Der silberne Löffel"): www.patreon.com/posts/dodgy-love-48650837

"The Dissolved Binding" ("Der gelöste Bann"): www.patreon.com/posts/turning-tables-62327727