Stokely Carmichael: Stokely speaks (Paperback, 2007, Lawrence Hill Books) No rating

I’m always appalled when some white person tells me that “progress is being made.” I always ask him, “Progress for whom and from whom?” Progress for white people might be made, because I would say that since World War II they have learned a little how to get around, to get along with people of color. But I don’t think there’s been progress for the black people, there’s not been progress for the black people, there’s not been progress for the people of color around the Third World. And progress will not be measured for us by white people. We will have to tell you when progress is being made. You cannot tell us when progress is being made, because progress for us getting you off our backs, and that’s the only progress that we can see.

Stokely speaks by  (Page 82)

Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation, London, July 18, 1967