Stokely Carmichael: Stokely speaks (Paperback, 2007, Lawrence Hill Books) No rating

I have said that most liberal whites react to Black Power with the question, “What about me?” rather than saying: “Tell me what you want me to do and I'll see if I can do it.” There are answers to the right question. One of the most disturbing things about almost all white supporters of the movement has been that they are afraid to go into their own communities —which is where the racism exists— and work to get rid of it. They want to run from Berkeley to tell us what to do in Mississippi; let them look instead at Berkeley. They admonish blacks to be nonviolent; let them preach nonviolence in the white community. They come to teach me Negro history; let them go to the suburbs and open up freedom schools for whites. Let them work to stop America's racist foreign policy; let them press this government to cease supporting the economy of South Africa.

Stokely speaks by  (Page 29)

from the New York Review of Books, September 1966. by The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Original title: “What We Want.”