Martin K. wants to read The twenty days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria

The twenty days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria
In the spare wing of a church-run sanatorium, some zealous youths create "the Library," a space where lonely citizens can …
Reading whenever I can Which is not as often as I want it to be Young & contemporary Social discourse Running running running
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In the spare wing of a church-run sanatorium, some zealous youths create "the Library," a space where lonely citizens can …
It is Very logical Designed Partly hollow Non-consequential
Ellie Marney: None Shall Sleep (2020, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
In 1982, two teenagers—serial killer survivor Emma Lewis and US Marshal candidate Travis Bell—are recruited by the FBI to interview …
Was bedeutet es, sich bei jeder Krise im Namen des gesamten Heimatlandes oder der Religionszugehörigkeit der Eltern rechtfertigen zu müssen? …
Sophie Passmann ist Feministin und so gar nicht einverstanden mit der Plattitüde, der alte weiße Mann sei an allem schuld. …
Takehiko Inoue: Slam Dunk 25 (Paperback, Spanish language)
After watching a video of Sannoh’s semifinal game from the previous year, the Shohoku players, except Sakuragi of course, are …
Takehiko Inoue: Slam Dunk 28 (Paperback, Spanish language)
With Sannoh pulling away with a big lead on the scoreboard in the second half, Shohoku is looking clearly outmatched. …