
quoted Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson (Baroque Cycle, #1)

Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver (Paperback, 2003, William Heinemann) 4 stars

Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver, a monumental epic that follows his critically acclaimed international bestseller Cryptonomicon, is …

The Dissenters are destitute of all decorations that can please the outward Senses, what their Teachers can hope for from humane Assistance lies altogether in their own endeavours, and they have nothing to strengthen their Doctrine with (besides what they can say for it) but probity of Manners and exemplary Lives. — The Mischiefs That Ought to Be Apprehended from a Whig-Government, Anonymous, attributed to Bernard Mandeville, 1714

Quicksilver by  (Baroque Cycle, #1)