Reviews and Comments


Joined 3 years, 6 months ago

Hiya, I'm Siem (they/them). Also

I'm very much a queer, feminist and ecological bookworm that's into nonficiton and SF so expect that from me :)

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Reading how they take care to create multicultural spaces with intent at the EBMC, and how they have a number of agreements for participants to help this along. I like them so let me share a few:

"Practice Self-Focus: Attend to and speak about your own experiences and responses. Do not speak for a whole group or express assumptions about the experience of others.

"Understand the difference between intent and impact: Try to understand and acknowledge impact. Denying the impact of something said by focusing on intent is often more destructive than the initial interaction.

"Practice 'Both/And': When speaking, substitute 'and' for 'but'. This practice acknowledges and and honors multiple realities.

These are a few, and they're maybe very basic, but I think they might fit well in many situations where we come together with our differences.

Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: The Mushroom at the End of the World (2015) 4 stars

What a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planet

Matsutake …

I love this one, I read it in Paris (so romantic)

As much as it is about mushrooms, it is about trees, people, and systems (mostly capitlaism). And beyond thinking about what lives in the ruins of destruction, and in disturbed spaces, this books has been making me think about social translation or work as a form of translation, and about what it means to salvage.

reviewed Authority by Jeff VanderMeer (Southern Reach, #2)

Jeff VanderMeer: Authority (Paperback, 2014) 4 stars

"In the second volume of the Southern Reach Trilogy, questions are answered, stakes are raised, …


5 stars

This book really pulled me in. It's not just horror, it's not just mystery, it's weird and eerie. There's a tension and unease that makes this book hard to put down, sucking you in, making you want to know more about what's going on, but never quite delivering any a real answer to the eerie agency of Area X...