
reviewed The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

Liu Cixin: The Dark Forest (2015) 4 stars

"With the scope of Dune and the rousing action of Independence Day, this near-future trilogy …

Review of 'The Dark Forest' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was an excellent novel and a must-read for fans of classic science fiction. I was reminded of several of Arthur C. Clarke's novels and even of Sphere by Michael Crichton. The plot was a little slow at the beginning, particularly in comparison with The Three Body Problem. However, this does pick up and by the end it is rushing ahead getting cooler and cooler with each turn of the (digital) page. The characters are also pretty neat and provide a personal touch across the large timespan covered in the story. I eagerly await the translation of the third and final installment of this series.

For a full review, check out my blog: