China Miéville: Perdido Street Station (2003, Del Rey/Ballantine Books) 4 stars

In the squalid, gothic city of New Crobuzon, a mysterious half-human, half-bird stranger comes to …

Review of 'Perdido Street Station' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An amazing read, [a:China Miéville|33918|China Miéville|] is a great author. The book is a mix of steampunk, urban fantasy, horror, and much more. The city, New Crobuzon, is exquisitely described and it's the kind of place you feel is real... and that you don't want to live anywhere nearby. It almost feels like the city is a character in the book (similar as the other books I've read from him- [b:Kraken|6931246|Kraken|China Miéville||8814204] and [b:The City & The City|4703581|The City & The City|China Miéville||4767909]).
My only complaints is that there are parts where the book is all over the place and you might loose track of (or not know in the first place) what's important. It's also a bit darker than I would have liked and the while the ending was cool, it wasn't at all what I expected.