puf wants to read Anarchism and Eugenics by Richard Cleminson

Anarchism and Eugenics by Richard Cleminson
This book focuses on the apparently surprising convergence between anarchism and eugenics. By tracing the reception of eugenic ideas within …
@puf@rage.love :) deutsch / cymraeg / english
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This book focuses on the apparently surprising convergence between anarchism and eugenics. By tracing the reception of eugenic ideas within …
Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry
The science on climate change has been clear for a …
A practical and honest book covering personal experiences but also speaking more widely about UK and more global masculinities. Overall a warming book. It's heartening to see records of similar experiences among men written about in such an open way. Well worth reading.
In Mask Off, JJ Bola exposes masculinity as a performance that men are socially conditioned into. Using examples of non-Western …
There's a lot here that I have direct experience with or is adjacent to my experiences, and the cutting descriptions help crystallise my thoughts on masculinities and the issues around them, and how it relates to feminism. Well worth reading, particularly if you're struggling with your own masculinity. Sometimes it felt a little vague or hopeful without focus, which is probably useful for some people, but seemed a distraction to me.
"Men cannot change if there are no blueprints for change. Men cannot love if they are not taught the art …