Mary L. Trump Ph.D.: Too Much and Never Enough (Hardcover, 2020, Simon & Schuster) 3 stars

Review of 'Too Much and Never Enough' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Mary L. Trump's memoir is a well-written family chronicle. She has lucid language and tells a credible story. We are about the same age so it's interesting for me to compare our experiences. I am not rich, but my life seems so much better.

In any case, Donald Trump is not the star of Mary Trump's story. That must piss him off. He is more like a troll that keeps showing up, each time a little more tawdry.

My one concern is the lingering doubt whether she would have remained quiet had she been paid off. My gut feeling is she would have just taken her place in line with the others as they marched across our democracy in their storm boots.