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Jean-Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, Richard Philcox, Homi K. Bhabha: The Wretched of the Earth (Paperback, 2021, Grove Press) 5 stars

So many people reference Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, so many people talk of its influence, that I had to read it. And it didn't disappoint. Fanon's analysis of colonial and post-colonial dynamics is so sharp, so enlightening. He repositioned the frames to show us a different view of the world. I'm still absorbing it, but I'm asking myself what it teaches us about our current struggles against oppression.

When reading, I skipped the 62 pages of introductory material that other people wrote and went directly to Fanon's first chapter. Then after finishing Fanon's text, I went back to read the bits at the beginning I had skipped.

Cornel West adds a relatively brief and insightful introduction to this edition, summarizing the importance of the work, putting it in context, and relating it to our present time. Exactly the sort of thing I'd expect from an introduction.

This …

Astra Taylor: The Age of Insecurity (2023, House of Anansi Press) 5 stars

Writer, filmmaker, and organizer Astra Taylor takes a curious, critical, and ultimately hopeful look at …


5 stars

Really well-done survey of how modern life is characterized by insecurity and how the disappearance of the commons and the decline of the social safety net encourages us to fall back on working harder and harder to accumulate personal security rather than rely on solidarity.

Originally given as a series of lectures available here: