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13% complete! pdotb has read 7 of 52 books.

Taeko Kono: Toddler-Hunting and Other Stories (1998, New Directions Publishing Corporation) 4 stars

Weird but weirdly-compelling

4 stars

Collection of somewhat dark short stories (and I'm not sure 'Toddler-Hunting' is even the oddest), but when you get past the shock value there's lots to reflect on concerning topics such as marriage, childhood, illness, and death, but particularly through the lens of a woman in Japan in the sixties and the choices available, or not.

Samra Habib: We Have Always Been Here (Paperback, Viking) No rating

A memoir of hope, faith and love, Samra Habib's story starts with growing up as …

And then I realized that it was fear -- fear that no-one would ever truly understand me and love every part of me. The only relationships I'd ever known felt like bargaining and settling: bargaining for space to be free, settling for a partner who didn't wonder what I was up to. I wanted someone to see all of me, the good and the bad. I was in such a rush to prove that I'd come out of childhood unscathed, in order to prevent causing others any worry and concern, that I'd forgotten to examine whether I truly had.

We Have Always Been Here by  (Page 145)