The fifth season

English language

Published Aug. 3, 2015

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5 stars (10 reviews)


IT STARTS WITH THE GREAT RED RIFT across the heart of the world's sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.

IT STARTS WITH DEATH, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.

IT STARTS WITH BETRAYAL and long-dormant wounds rising up to fester.

This is the Stillness, a land familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy.

This description comes from the publisher.

5 editions

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Good world building, long and leaves you hanging

4 stars

Without spoiling, I would mention that this is 512 pages long...and then just sort of stops and doesn't really give you a feel for what the "big problem" is that you'll want to see battled against in the next volume. So a little dissatisfaction with that.

I did enjoy the way the author played with the timeline, the different voices used, and the pairing of characters that kept me from being confused about who was who

The world-building was great - it supplied just enough "weird land" to be unusual, but really it was focused on the different groups of people and how they viewed and interacted with one another.

If this is your favorite genre and you don't mind feeling the need to finish the series, you'll enjoy.

reviewed Zerrissene Erde by N. K. Jemisin (Die große Stille, #1)

Dystopischer Fantasy-Epos

5 stars

Die Welt ist zu einem einzigen Superkontinent - die Stille - zusammengefallen. Tektonische Spannungen sorgen kontinuierlich für Erdbeben oder Vulkanausbrüche. Besonders heftige Ausbrüche können eine Fünftzeit auslösen - eine mehrjährige Periode aus Asche- und Schwefelregen mit wenig Sonnenlicht und geringen Überlebenschancen für die Bewohner:innen des Kontinents. In dieser Zeit zerfallen Reiche, Gemeinschaften ("Gems)" kämpfen um ihr Überleben und ganze Zivilisationen gehen unter. Allerdings ist die Menschheit der Wut von "Vater Erde" nicht völlig machtlos ausgliefert. Einige Menschen können mittels der Gabe der Orogenie durch Beeinflussung von Wärme und Bewegungsenergie sogar Erdbeben aufhalten und Vulkane abkühlen. Aufgrund Ihrer potentiellen Macht werden die Orogenen gejagt und ermordert. Im günstigsten Fall entdeckt ein:e Wächter:in ein orogen begabtes Kind und nimmt es zur Ausbildung mit ins Fulcrum - dort werden die Orogenen zur bedingungslosen Unterwerfung unter die Wächter erzogen.

Auf verschiedenen Zeitebenen wird die Geschichte der Orogenen Essun erzählt, die als Kind von einem …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Took me a bit to get into it, and the changing of character names over time confused me a bit, but once I got past those two issues, it was a really fun read. Looking forward to the next two books to see what happens on Earth in a possible distant future where earth magic is common and nothing is stable.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Utterly amazing. This book makes up for all the mediocre stuff I have read this year. READ THIS BOOK!

Ahem. Now to a more detailed review. The Fifth Season is the first book in N.K. Jemisin's post-apocalyptic far future trilogy The Broken Earth. Due to natural disasters the world has changed, and there's only one super-continent now, called The Stillness. There is a lot of seismic activity on Earth, and there's always the looming danger of a Fifth Season, a post-apocalyptic winter when volcanic ash prevents sunlight, sometimes for months, sometimes many years. People gang together in towns that are called comms, storing up caches for a season, divided into a caste system of seven major castes. The safest area in the Stillness is the belt of cities at the equator, where Yumenes is the largest city in the world. In Yumenes there's the Fulcrum, a school of orogenes. Orogenes …