El problema de los tres cuerpos

, #1

Paperback, 416 pages

Spanish language

Published Sept. 1, 2016 by Nova.

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4 stars (7 reviews)

Durante la Revolución Cultural china, un proyecto militar secreto envía señales al espacio para contactar con extraterrestres. Pronto, una civilización alienígena al borde de la destrucción capta la señal y comienza a planear su desembarco en la Tierra. Durante las décadas siguientes, se comunica a través de un insólito método: un extraño videojuego virtual impregnado de historia y filosofía. Pero a medida que los alienígenas empiezan a ganar a los jugadores terrícolas, se forman distintos bandos, unos dispuestos a dar la bienvenida a esos seres superiores y ayudarlos a hacerse cargo de un mundo tan corrupto, y otros preparados para luchar contra la invasión. El resultado es una experiencia tan auténtica como reveladora sobre nuestro tiempo.

7 editions

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (The Three-Body Triology, #1)

Good, but watch out - sets up trilogy

5 stars

The first few chapters had me darting to and from Wikipedia to help add some context to a story that is deeply set in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. It',s a triviality to call the story complex, a mystery than unfolds through the book. Be warned this is the first in a trilogy and a very much sets itself up this way, which was a little frustrating in the last few chapters.

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (The Three-Body Triology, #1)

Review of 'The Three-Body Problem' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'm not thoroughly familiar with science fiction as a genre, but I'd imagine this is pretty quintessential hard science fiction. That means that quite a lot of text throughout the novel is devoted to explaining the scientific realities behind the events of the narrative. For example, entire chapters are devoted more or less to detailing the physical minutiae of how messages might be transmitted between Earth and alien civilizations.

In the case of this novel, hard science fiction also means substantially less attention is given to the development of characters and the drama between them. Indeed, I found the book somewhat reminiscent of my experience with Isaac Asimov, where all the important characters are STEM academics and the only interesting thing they could imagine talking about is science in one form or another. So don't expect a very compelling drama from this novel or particularly deep or complex characters. With …

reviewed El problema de los tres cuerpos by Cixin Liu (Recuerdo del pasado de la Tierra, #1)

Review of 'El problema de los tres cuerpos' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Empecé con muchas ganas este ganador del Premio Hugo de 2015. Ciencia ficción "hard", de una cultura un tanto exótica para mí como la china, y con aplauso unánime de la crítica, prometía mucho. Y no es que sea una mala lectura ni mucho menos, pero me ha acabado decepcionando bastante.

Se dice que el autor está muy influido por Asimov, Clarke y similares, y la verdad es que sí: la trama contiene muchos elementos que podían haber sido originales en los años 60, pero que desde luego hoy en día no lo son, al menos en Occidente. El personaje principal es bastante plano; los secundarios, que tenían mimbres para ser interesantes, acaban resultando estereotípicos; el hecho de que la novela acabe en un "continuará" (es el primer libro de una trilogía) no ayuda tampoco a la redondez de la trama.

En otros aspectos donde se ven influencias de otros …

Review of 'The Three-Body Problem' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was an excellent book. I can count it among the masterpieces of modern science fiction. The story has elements similar to that of other science fiction stories, such as [b:Nightfall and Other Stories|70771|Nightfall and Other Stories|Isaac Asimov|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1297455226s/70771.jpg|26652722] by Isaac Asimov, [b:Childhood's End|414999|Childhood's End|Arthur C. Clarke|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320552628s/414999.jpg|209414] and [b:Rendezvous with Rama|112537|Rendezvous with Rama (Rama, #1)|Arthur C. Clarke|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1405456427s/112537.jpg|1882772] by Arthur C. Clarke, and [b:Anathem|2845024|Anathem|Neal Stephenson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1436598125s/2845024.jpg|6163095] by Neal Stephenson. It is important to stress that this is a hard science fiction novel. Generally, hard sci-fi stories focus strongly on the premise of the story (the idea) rather than characters or plot, so approach the story with that in mind. While it is technically part of a trilogy, the story stands extremely well on it's own. Of course, I'll be paying attention for more translated works of Liu Cixin.

For my full review, see my blog at strakul.blogspot.com/2015/07/book-review-three-body-problem-by-liu.html

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