Magnificent Bastards

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3 stars (1 review)

1 edition

Review of 'Magnificent Bastards' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a collection of short stories (some much shorter than others) by American comedian [a:Rich Hall|2320|Rich Hall|]. I'm a fan of Rich and I also own [b:Things Snowball|1804968|Things Snowball|Rich Hall||1804223] plus some of his non-literary works. I found this book very easy to read, although somewhat lacking. Most of the stories end somewhat ambiguously and left me wondering what happened next. I'm loathe to compare it with Things Snowball because I haven't read that recently enough to do any comparison justice - however, I don't recall the same sense of disappointment of stories that were a little bit too short, and I'm pretty sure the joke quota was up higher too (although Rich's dead-pan delivery comes through well in Magnificent Bastards, so it's easy to read a line and not have the absurdity sink in until further down the page).

An enjoyable light read, but could have been better.