The Broken Kingdoms is a fantasy novel by American writer N. K. Jemisin, the second book of her Inheritance trilogy. It takes place ten years after the events of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and centers around a young woman named Oree Shoth, who lives in the World Tree-shrouded, godling-inhabited city of Shadow.
A woman gets caught up in the manoeuvring of gods, godlings and grasping humans. Most notable for the protagonist's blindness, except for her ability to see magic.
4.5 stars out of 5. Why do we still not have half stars? Meh.
Thanks to my stomach flu I powered through this one hardcore. Also, because it was really enjoyable. It has everything I liked about the first book (though a lot less political intrigues) plus a more diverse cast. Set 10 years after the conclusion of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, our protagonist this time is Oree Shoth, a commoner living in East Shadow, the city around the World Tree that Yeine created 10 years ago. Oree is blind and works as an artist who sells trinkets to pilgrims and tourists coming to see the Tree. Shadow is full of godlings, children of the Three, who now have permission to mingle and live with mortals, often in ordinary professions. One of them is Madding, Oree's lover. All is well in Oree's life until two things happen. She sort of …
4.5 stars out of 5. Why do we still not have half stars? Meh.
Thanks to my stomach flu I powered through this one hardcore. Also, because it was really enjoyable. It has everything I liked about the first book (though a lot less political intrigues) plus a more diverse cast. Set 10 years after the conclusion of The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, our protagonist this time is Oree Shoth, a commoner living in East Shadow, the city around the World Tree that Yeine created 10 years ago. Oree is blind and works as an artist who sells trinkets to pilgrims and tourists coming to see the Tree. Shadow is full of godlings, children of the Three, who now have permission to mingle and live with mortals, often in ordinary professions. One of them is Madding, Oree's lover. All is well in Oree's life until two things happen. She sort of adopts a strange guy she keeps calling Shiny because he glows at dawn, and who keeps dying and returning to life. She also finds the dead body of Role, one of the godlings, who has been murdered in a side-alley. Soon, Oree is hunted, by both the Order of Itempas who cling to their old beliefs, but also the New Lights, a new cult of Itempas that seems to adjust their belief to the new presence of all Three deities.
Oh my, so many deities, minor gods and demons, it boggles the mind. And they were all quite interesting. I liked Oree, was intrigued by the setting and haven't got the slightest clue what might be awaiting in the next book. A lot of characters from the first book were present, including Sieh the Trickster, but also the new lord of the Arameri.
I should note that Oree is a woman of color and when can you say we've had one of those in a fantasy setting? Thumbs up from me.