Reviews and Comments

Jules, reading

Joined 3 years, 1 month ago

Hi I'm Jules,

I read a lot of disability related more academic stuff, anarchism and whatever else looks interesting or helpful. And then mostly queer fantasy, science fiction / speculative fiction to relax.

I read mostly e-books for accessibility reasons. So if you're interested in a book on my lists, just send me a DM. I can point you to sources or just send it over.

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commented on The Faithless by C.L. Clark (Magic of the Lost, #2)

C.L. Clark: The Faithless (Paperback, 2023, Orbit) No rating

Content warning mild spoilers maybe

commented on The Faithless by C.L. Clark (Magic of the Lost, #2)

C.L. Clark: The Faithless (Paperback, 2023, Orbit) No rating

I was in the mood for picking this one back up today and it's nice how the first book and the beginning of this one apparently left enough of an impression for me to immediately remember all the names and places even though I read a bunch of other books in the meantime.

Devon Price: Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 4 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

Well, I was quite annoyed by big parts and aspects of this book.

But it was a good opportunity to reflect more on the un-masking topic and there are some helpful thoughts and perspectives on the topic in this book. So it was worth it for that.

I didn't need all the introduction to autism and political demands and coaching tone and generalizations though.

It is, again, a very American book. Which I often find annoying. So there's no surprise there.

It's still worth reading. I just wish it would have been just the scientifically backed deep dive into the masking topic without all the add-ons and decorations.

María do Mar Castro Varela, Nikita Dhawan: Postkoloniale Theorie (German language, 2015, transcript Verlag) No rating

Das war ein Brocken 😅 Eigentlich muss man das zweimal lesen. Oder einfach nur schneller als über ein ganzes Jahr verteilt. Gerade das Kapitel über die Kritiken an Postkolonialer Theorie am Ende hilft sehr beim Verstehen und Einordnen. Nur hatte ich da viele Details schon wieder vergessen.

Sprachlich ist es sehr anspruchsvoll und lustigerweise wird das auch im Buch selbst wiederholt als Kritik an postkolonialen Texten angebracht. I agree.

Anyway, ich weiß jetzt trotzdem mehr und würde es nochmal lesen (wenn meine Leseliste nicht schon so lang wäre)