While this book introduced me to libertarian socialism, looking back I think its anti-anarchist message could be harmful. Honestly, I internalized its anti-anarchism. Looking back, its anti-anarchism is pretty weak. As Iain McKay pointed out, the anti-anarchism of old Bookchin (this book) can be countered by the anarchist defences of earlier Bookchin.
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Mambabasa finished reading Make Rojava Green Again by Internationalist Commune of Rojava

Make Rojava Green Again by Internationalist Commune of Rojava
“What is it about the social structures of Rojava that so inspires the fierce loyalty of its defenders and its …
Mambabasa reviewed The next revolution by Murray Bookchin
Mambabasa finished reading The next revolution by Murray Bookchin

The next revolution by Murray Bookchin
"Many similarities exist between the new movements against austerity that have emerged since 2011, ranging from Taksim Square in Turkey …
Mambabasa reviewed Murray Bookchin Reader by Janet Biehl
Mambabasa finished reading Murray Bookchin Reader by Janet Biehl
Mambabasa finished reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Mambabasa finished reading Brave new third world? by Walden F. Bello (Food first development report -- no. 5)

Walden F. Bello: Brave new third world? (1989, Institute for Food and Development Policy)
Brave new third world? by Walden F. Bello (Food first development report -- no. 5)
Mambabasa finished reading The new prophets of capital by Nicole Marie Aschoff (Jacobin series)

Nicole Marie Aschoff: The new prophets of capital (2015, Verso)
The new prophets of capital by Nicole Marie Aschoff (Jacobin series)
Mythmaking is as central to sustaining our present economy as profit-making. In the 1980s, Thatcher and Reagan's stories about welfare …
Mambabasa finished reading The Abcs Of Socialism by Jacobin

The Abcs Of Socialism by Jacobin, Bhaskar Sunkara, Bhaskar Sunkara
"Slim, accessible, inexpensive, irreverent introduction to socialism by the writers of Jacobin magazine The remarkable run of self-proclaimed "democratic socialist" …
Mambabasa finished reading Deglobalization, 2nd Edition by Walden Bello
Mambabasa finished reading Utopia or Bust: A Guide to the Present Crisis by Benjamin Kunkel

Utopia or Bust: A Guide to the Present Crisis by Benjamin Kunkel
After the financial crash and the great recession, the media rediscovered Karl Marx, socialist theory, and the very idea that …
Mambabasa finished reading How did we get into this mess? by George Monbiot

George Monbiot: How did we get into this mess? (2016)
How did we get into this mess? by George Monbiot
"Leading political and environmental commentator on where we have gone wrong, and what to do about it. "Here are some …
Mambabasa finished reading The Anti-Development State by Walden Bello

The Anti-Development State by Walden Bello, WALDEN BELLO, Herbert Docena, and 2 others
Mambabasa finished reading Under three flags by Benedict Anderson

Under three flags by Benedict Anderson
The rise of global anarchism corroborated Cuban and Philippines nationalism movements during the second half of 19th century againt Spanish …