While this book introduced me to libertarian socialism, looking back I think its anti-anarchist message could be harmful. Honestly, I internalized its anti-anarchism. Looking back, its anti-anarchism is pretty weak. As Iain McKay pointed out, the anti-anarchism of old Bookchin (this book) can be countered by the anarchist defences of earlier Bookchin.
Reviews and Comments
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Mambabasa reviewed The next revolution by Murray Bookchin
Mambabasa reviewed Murray Bookchin Reader by Janet Biehl
Mambabasa reviewed A Duterte Reader by Nicole Curato
An excellent collection of critical essays
5 stars
I hate Duterte. This book provides intelligent critique of Duterte. The collection is strongest I think in it's critique of the left who got caught up in joining Duterte's fascist regime.
Mambabasa reviewed Imagined communities by Benedict Anderson
Mambabasa reviewed Under three flags by Benedict Anderson
I learned more about Rizal than in Filipino class
5 stars
This book was enlightening. I learned about anti-colonial movements in Southeast Asia. I learned about Isabelo de los Reyes, the first Filipino socialist who was anarchist-inflected. I learned more about Jose Rizal from this book than in Filipino class.
Mambabasa reviewed The Anti-Development State by Walden Bello
Mambabasa reviewed How did we get into this mess? by George Monbiot
"Leading political and environmental commentator on where we have gone wrong, and what to do …
I liked it at the time
4 stars
Generally I've moved away from Monbiot's milquetoast environmentalism, but I did like it at the time.
Mambabasa reviewed Deglobalization, 2nd Edition by Walden Bello
I liked it at the time
4 stars
Mambabasa reviewed The Abcs Of Socialism by Jacobin
A good primer
4 stars
Most of it still holds up. Good pluralist perspective. It ought be taken on its own terms, I think, regardless of the opportunist nonsense of its editor.
Mambabasa reviewed The new prophets of capital by Nicole Marie Aschoff (Jacobin series)
Mythmaking is as central to sustaining our present economy as profit-making. In the 1980s, Thatcher …