Devon Price: Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 4 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

Autism Terminology / Common Dos and Don’ts

Use: Autistic person, Autist, Autistic, On the Autism spectrum Avoid: Person with Autism

Use: Is Autistic Avoid: Identifies as having autism

Use: Is disabled, Has a disability Avoid: “Special needs”, “Differently abled”, “Handi-capable”

Use: Neurotypical (NT), Allistic, Non-Autistic Avoid: Normal

Use: Has high support needs, Has low support needs Avoid: Low functioning, High functioning

Use: Masked Autism Avoid: Female Autism, Asperger’s, High-functioning Autism

Use: Nonverbal, Loses speech Avoid: Mute, Dumb

Use: Intellectually disabled, Developmentally disabled Avoid: R*tarded, Stupid, “Special”

Use: Direct language about what a person can or can’t do, and what kind of support they need Avoid: Euphemisms, language that minimizes challenges, language that belittles or condescends

Unmasking Autism by  (16%)

I wasn't aware of the negative connotation of "mute", and I even used it for myself a couple of times (when "non-verbal" would probably have been a better word choice)