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slowly reading moss

Joined 3 years ago

I mostly read about anarchism, bread, neurodiversity


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slowly reading moss's books

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Mary Jo Maynes looks to school reform in early modern Europe to show the relevance …

This feels like a rare find.

4 stars

Finding books about the history of schooling is difficult, especially because many of them seem to take the position of the school as an inherent good that is necessary for society to continue. It is because this book challenges that idea that I find it so intriguing, especially as it has provided me with a range of directions to explore (both in terms of things I already knew and things I hadn't really thought about).

It is definitely something that I'd recommend people genuinely engage with, especially if the readers are willing to question beliefs (their own or society's) about the necessity of schooling, the conflation between schooling and education, the importance of literacy (and the moralising society has around illiteracy), and how the more radical elements of the left essentially dropped schooling and ignored its importance in favour of "acquiring the state."

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David Roberts: Four Against the Arctic (Paperback, 2005, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

What a story!

4 stars

I visited Svalbard (Spitsbergen) this year. While we were standing next to our snow mobiles in the middle of nowhere, trying to spot some polar bears the guide mentioned that back in 1749 four russian sailors were stranded on a nearby island with only a knife, an axe, some flour and a rifle with a handful of bullets. Their ship was destroyed and all their crew mates gone. Somehow they managed to build basic weapons, fixed an old hut and overwintered (the whole of the polar night!). They had to keep the fire going all the time because they had no tinder to light a new one. Constantly they were in danger of being attacked by polar bears. 6 years (!!) an 3 months later another ship passed by and finally they were rescued. I immediately started searching for more information on this story and found this book. The author …

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Devon Price: Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 4 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

Autism Terminology / Common Dos and Don’ts

Use: Autistic person, Autist, Autistic, On the Autism spectrum Avoid: Person with Autism

Use: Is Autistic Avoid: Identifies as having autism

Use: Is disabled, Has a disability Avoid: “Special needs”, “Differently abled”, “Handi-capable”

Use: Neurotypical (NT), Allistic, Non-Autistic Avoid: Normal

Use: Has high support needs, Has low support needs Avoid: Low functioning, High functioning

Use: Masked Autism Avoid: Female Autism, Asperger’s, High-functioning Autism

Use: Nonverbal, Loses speech Avoid: Mute, Dumb

Use: Intellectually disabled, Developmentally disabled Avoid: R*tarded, Stupid, “Special”

Use: Direct language about what a person can or can’t do, and what kind of support they need Avoid: Euphemisms, language that minimizes challenges, language that belittles or condescends

Unmasking Autism by  (16%)

I wasn't aware of the negative connotation of "mute", and I even used it for myself a couple of times (when "non-verbal" would probably have been a better word choice)

Devon Price: Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 4 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

A book I wish it would be translated into > 50 languages

5 stars

Radical and intriguing, this isn't the common book about Autism that you find in bookshelves, especially not written in languages other than English. This groundbreaking book, written by an Autistic and transgender author, is all about those hidden, 'masked' Autistics, especially from intersectionally marginalised populations, like Black, trans, women and other marginalised genders, and people with other disabilities on top.

Dr. Price takes a radical approach of harm reduction and social justice, identifying how much harm the ableist & capitalist society inflicts on Autistics (and on other neuro-divergent and disabled people, but really on everyone), forcing them into obscuring their disabilities, so that they can conform to 'normality' and function in an alienating, industrial society that punishes our quirks. The book helps neurodivergent people identifying their disability (seen from the social model of disability), and guides neuro-divergent people how they can actualise their own identity and identity their own values …

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Devon Price: Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 4 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

Good discussion of masking

4 stars

I suspect this is another book that I need to re-read in the near future to really get the most out of. Lots of good stuff about masking and unmasking, the mental consequences therein, the implications for friendships and relationships, and a good nod in the direction of the social constructs that make masking necessary and may make unmasking really difficult.