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capypokoymal Locked account

Joined 3 years, 8 months ago

avatar: a picrew of a pink, femme capibara navigating the internet and it's intricate, dangerous society.

white queer anarcha-something migrant of worlds my reviews tend to be rants generally they/them

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capypokoymal's books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

16% complete! capypokoymal has read 2 of 12 books.

Mariano Tomatis: La veggente indecorosa di Lourdes (Paperback, Italian language, Eris Edizioni) 5 stars

C’è una Lourdes che non conosciamo, che è stata cancellata dalla storia. Una Lourdes inaspettata …

quasi pianto ffs

5 stars

come tutte le storie che permettono di farti fantasticare riguardo "storie alternative", lascia un senso di amara tristezza nel cuore. immaginavo lourdes potesse essere un altro piano diabolico all'incrocio tra capitalismo e religione, ma non credevo foss così una merda!

l'unica cosa che non ho gradito è il tocco di anti-secolarismo di sinistra dell'autore. non sarà mai troppo tardi quando, finalmente, anche i sinistroidi intelletuali capiranno che non sono le religioni e le preghiere il problema, ma, come al solito, il buon vecchio capitalismo.

Various: Italian Witchcraft Charms and Neapolitan Witchcraft (Paperback, Read and Co. Books) 5 stars

This compact volume is a wealth of knowledge on Neapolitan witchcraft, with a primary focus …

too short too old

5 stars

giving it five stars because it is the only resource i found it about the subject so far, but saying it's outdated is an euphemism.

the first part about witchcraft in the neapolitan area has a nice beginning and nice ending, but the whole middle chunk is so boring...

the chapter about the cimaruta is very very nice, but then, again, old and, probably, for that same reason, could go more in depth on some things.

i really like the last chapter with the illustrations though. very 19th century. lol.

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Malcolm Harris: Palo Alto (2023, Little Brown & Company) 4 stars

Palo Alto’s weather is temperate, its people are educated and enterprising, its corporations are spiritually …

Content warning genocide

Ellen Clifford: The War on Disabled People (Paperback, 2022, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) No rating

n 2016, a United Nations report found the UK government culpable for "grave and systematic …

i saw the author of this book talking a lot about disability as a social construct in online videos, and so i thought that her book was about that.

but the synopsis kind of says otherwise.

as anyone read it and can tell me more?

or just straight up suggest books that actually talk about social vs medical disability?
