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capypokoymal Locked account

Joined 3 years, 8 months ago

avatar: a picrew of a pink, femme capibara navigating the internet and it's intricate, dangerous society.

white queer anarcha-something migrant of worlds my reviews tend to be rants generally they/them

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capypokoymal's books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

16% complete! capypokoymal has read 2 of 12 books.

Carmine Conelli: Il rovescio della nazione (Paperback, Italian language, Tamu Edizioni) 3 stars

"La negazione dell’altro interno, meridionale, nel processo di unificazione (...) ha notevolmente contribuito all’identificazione tra …

libro interessante e necessario per comprendere, imparare e/o ricordare meglio la nostra storia (parlo alle terrone) e ripulirla da quelle macchie di malato neoborbonico orgoglio che per quelche motivo ha preso piede negli ultimi anni.

ma aiuta anche a far riflettere estremiste come me sulla differenza tra "questo tipo di colonialismo" e quello meglio conosciuto che ha dato vita al concetto di razza e tutte le altre cose brutte che conosciamo.

insomma, se sei terronu, leggilo e magari ne parliamo alla fine.

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Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Hardcover, 2021, Tordotcom) 4 stars

It's been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; …

is it possible to be nostalgic for another world?

5 stars

sweet, beautiful, simple and short. this story came to me on the heels of a hard year, which itself was following a couple more hard years. sibling dex and mosscap were precisely the guides i needed to recenter at the end of this year and think about how to bring a little bit of tea monk energy into the next chapters of my life. i'll be rereading this one.

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Kate Beaton: Ducks (2022) 5 stars

Before there was Kate Beaton, New York Times bestselling cartoonist of Hark A Vagrant fame, …

a world of violations

5 stars

“Enjoy” isn’t quite the right word for a read that’s about something as nuanced and anguished as this is, but it’s also apt. I lingered over it and zoomed through it. It’s generous and devastating, sympathetic to the awful positions poor people find themselves in to get by and to the ways it warps who they are, and devastating in how it depicts the violence directed at everyone—women and the land, especially, but also the men who are used up without regard to turn profits for the company.

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