Lots to like, but with reservations
4 stars
Content warning climate crisis
Preceding quote aside, I really liked this. Good discussion of the climate emergency, but in the context of the other environmental crises, especially extinctions. Also does a good job of tying in the intersection with social justice concerns. Somewhat critical of capitalism, if not as much as I'd like :) Particularly good on the failures of mainstream Western Buddhism to deal with wider issues, commenting that it can be overly concerned with individual transformation, not structural, and quotes Loyal Rue talking of "cosmological dualism" and "individual salvation". Comments that socially-engaged Buddhism of all sorts really struggles to get support, both people and money. Reminded me a little of reading "McMindfulness". While there's lots to like here, I was disappointed to see no footnotes and no bibliography, which feels weird in a book that leans on, and even cites liberally, the work of others. Also not bowled over by some of the quotes. Maybe I'm overly judgemental, but I think we can write a book about Buddhism and just skip over Chogham Trungpa, and seeing a Paul Kingsnorth quote is always particularly jarring.