Malene Gürgen, Patricia Hecht, Nina Horaczek, Christian Jakob, Sabine am Orde: Angriff auf Europa (Paperback, Deutsch language, 2019, Ch. Links Verlag) 4 stars

In fast allen europäischen Ländern sind rechtspopulistische Parteien auf dem Vormarsch, in manchen regieren sie …

Obviously not a cheery read, but good

4 stars

The first third or so of the book has a chapter per party, which was really helpful to fill in the gaps in my understanding. TBH, I knew the history of the FPÖ was bad, but Oh. My. God. The remainder of the book is thematic, with chapters on topics such as gender, climate, migration, and Russia. Interesting (and alarming) how many similarities there are, though also differences, especially over Russia. The concluding section of the book is probably the weakest, as it ties everything in with the EU, and it's not clear to me that that's the key problem here.