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Stefano Costa Locked account

Joined 3 years, 8 months ago

I'm an archaeologist, I love to read speculative fiction and feminist works (and why not both?), particularly from Africa.

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started reading Planet by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Kinship: Belonging In A World Of Relations, #1)

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gavin Van Horn, John Hausdoerffer: Planet (Paperback, 2021, Center for Humans & Nature) 4 stars

Vol. 1. – Planet Cosmic/Elemental/Planetary Kinship

With every breath, every sip of water, every meal, …

Have been very excited about this series since its release in late 2021, and my partner gifted it to me for my birthday. I love the writing of many of the contributors over the five volumes.

Mariama Bâ: Amica mia (Paperback, it language, Modu Modu) No rating

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah (Paperback, it language, 2014, Einaudi) 4 stars

Americanah is a 2013 novel by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, for which Adichie …

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