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Joined 1 year, 11 months ago

Contains brainfog. I admire people who have a clear definition for what each number of stars means, but I give them out purely intuitively.

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Tricia Hersey: Rest Is Resistance (2022, Octopus Publishing Group) No rating

Far too many of us have claimed productivity as the cornerstone of success. Brainwashed by …

This is not a book to read once, set aside and move to the next thing. This is one to keep by your bedside and re-read until the lessons within become second nature. This may take years, possibly a lifetime. This is deep reprogramming work. Diving into Hersey's alternate reality will make you question what is and reimagine what is possible. Black liberationist, womanist, anti-capitalist wisdom for the ages.

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Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water (Paperback, 2005, Atria) 3 stars

Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrates that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes …

Feel-good pseudoscience

3 stars

Reading this book as a perspective on spirituality and environmentalism is probably more important than reading it for scientifically proven facts. It's clear that Emoto's research findings are colored with subjectivity. For instance, claims that water exposed to classical music create more beautiful crystals than water exposed to heavy metal betray the author's own biases. However, none of this takes away from the spiritual messaging of this book, which perfectly coincides with so many other spiritual doctrines: that consciousness creates reality, that love and gratitude are the most essential and revolutionary spiritual values.

Emoto is basically using his research on water crystallization as the standpoint from which to draw spiritual realizations, which mirror universal spiritual tenets. It's a quick and beautiful read and his photos of water crystals are fascinating and exquisite. The strength of this book is that it ties spiritual beliefs to something tangible and ubiquitous. Also, the …

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Lydia Meyer: Die Zukunft ist nicht binär (Paperback, German language, 2023, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag) 2 stars

Nicht drin, was draufsteht

2 stars

Der Titel suggeriert einen Blick in die Zukunft, während sich innen lediglich am Status Quo abgearbeitet wird. Der Tonfall ist - wie man es von "linkem Aktivismus" auf Twitter kennt - belehrend, (an)klagend und die eigene moralische Überlegenheit performend. Ich kann dieses Buch niemandem empfehlen: Nicht-binäre Menschen lernen hier kaum neues und werden stattdessen in voller Breitseite (unnötig) mit trans- und nb-Feindlichkeit konfrontiert. Für aufgeschlossene, aber noch unwissende cis Menschen zieht der Anspruch zu schnell an. Für Forschende ist keine neue Position, keine Synthese oder Systematisierung zu finden.